dark matter

[dɑ:k ˈmætə]
  • 释义
  • 暗物质;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Dark matter gives out no light and is detectable only because of its gravitational effect on visible matter.


  • 2、

    This is the infamous dark matter, whose existence is inferred solely from its gravitational effects.

    这就是声名狼藉的黑暗物质, 其重力效应是我们认定它存在的唯一依据.

  • 3、

    Finding the stuff is damned tricky because dark matter , by definition , cannot be seen.


  • 4、

    Astrometric results are also used to measure the distribution of dark matter in the galaxy.


  • 5、

    The visible parts of galaxies are believed to be enveloped in giant " halos " of dark matter.

    我们相信,星系中可以看得见的部分,其实是笼罩在巨大的黑暗物质[晕 ] 里.

  • 6、

    And dark matter: that mysterious stuff we can't see but that clearly affects ordinary matter.


  • 7、

    Scientists can observe what they believe to be dark matter only through its gravity.


  • 8、

    Various means of weighing the universe lead us to believe in the presence of dark matter.


  • 9、

    A popular candidate for dark matter is a relatively heavy particle known as the neutralino.


  • 10、

    The problem is that dark matter is invisible.


  • 11、

    The ray light also likely traces out the location of dark matter.


  • 12、

    Scientists can observe but what they believe to be dark matter only through its gravity.


  • 13、

    The other was announcement earlier in the week that scientists found direct evidence for dark matter.


  • 14、

    In this way, it can eliminate the need for dark matter.


  • 15、

    That creates an outward bound dark matter traffic jam, which can be seen as the ring.

    这种引力形成了暗物质向外扩张时的交通阻塞, 结果成为所看到的环状.

  • 16、

    Hence we infer that there is dark matter in the Universe.


  • 17、

    When the impact happened, the dark matter in the clusters also collided.

    当撞击发生时, 星团中的暗物质也发生碰撞.

  • 18、

    WHAT KIND OF particle could dark matter be made of?

    暗物质可能是由哪一种粒子组成的 呢 ?

  • 19、

    Some of these appear to have separated dark matter from its visible counterpart.

